Day 2 - Global Citizenship and the Student Experience
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 8, 2022, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Flevy Lasrado - UOW Dubai
x x - UOW Australia
Venkat Yanamandram - UOW Australia
Tom Bambrick - UOW Global Enterprises
Sabre Veitch - UOWCA
Sarah Vogel - UOW
Phoebe Ma - UOWCHK
Matthew Kusi-Appauh - Aussie Broadband
Saleh Bajsair - UOW Dubai
Marc Isaac De Souza - UOW Malaysia KDU
Katarina Mikac - UOW Australia
Maryam Zia - UOW Dubai
x x - UOW Australia
Venkat Yanamandram - UOW Australia
Tom Bambrick - UOW Global Enterprises
Sabre Veitch - UOWCA
Sarah Vogel - UOW
Phoebe Ma - UOWCHK
Matthew Kusi-Appauh - Aussie Broadband
Saleh Bajsair - UOW Dubai
Marc Isaac De Souza - UOW Malaysia KDU
Katarina Mikac - UOW Australia
Maryam Zia - UOW Dubai

Day Two will focus on Global Citizenship and the experience of students at each of our entities. Speakers will touch on co-curricular programs available to students, how to better prepare international students for study and the role of work-integrated learning.
Finally, a panel discussion will bring together student leaders from our global campus network. The panel will explore the question, "how can we create new opportunities for UOW students and learners to develop their global citizenship whilst increasing interaction and collaboration within the UOW network."
Virtual Session Link
Estimated Duration
More than 60 minutes